Thursday, 21 November 2013

The Top 12 List And prices of Tecno Android Phones That Support BBM

This is the Top12 list and prices of all the Tecno android phones currently available in the market that Blackberry Messenger (BBM) will work on, as BBM currently doesn’t work on all Tecno Android phones.
It is no more a news that Tecno android phones is now one of the must popular android phone in Nigeria, they are low end android phones with full functionality of any android devices, the cheap android phones are now everywhere in Nigeria and still gaining more grounds per time.
Now with the launch of BBM for all, the new blackberry messenger (BBM) which has just been released to work cross platforms on Blackberry, Android and iPhone smartphones has also helped to even increase the usage of android phones and people are going for cheaper android phones by Tecno Mobile but it is to be noted BBM doesn’t work on all android devices.
The bad news for some is the new  BBM for android and iPhones is ONLY available for Android smartphones running Ice Cream Sandwich and Jelly Bean (Android 4.3, 4.2.x, 4.1.x and 4.0.3–4.0.4) as well as iPhones running iOS 6 and iOS 7.
To check which android version you have on your android smart phone just click on settings and scroll to the bottom of settings and click on about then look out for android version if you see any thing 4. then it will work but any version below 4. will not work.

The list and price of Tecno Phones that support BBM

Tecno Phantom A Plus N38, 000
Tecno Phantom A II (F8)
N45, 000
Tecno Phantom N9 Pad N36,000
Tecno Q1 N16,500
Tecno M3 N18,000
Tecno M7 N27,000
Tecno D5 N14,500
Tecno D7 N25,000
Tecno P5 N15,500
Tecno L3 N14,000
Tecno N7 N28,500
Tecno S3 N14,500

Thanks share page with your friends and comment below for further inquiries or contributions to help others.

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